Real Girl Power

The future of Real Girl Power is currently unknown. I wish that I could keep the webring going, but too many people are either a) not understanding the point of the project, b) submitting websites that don't meet the requirements, or c) e-mailing me constantly, complaining about everything from me not including their favorite singer, to not understanding how to put the webring code up on their site.

RGP is a little revolution against the message of "Girl Power", as set forth by celebrities like The Spice Girls and Britney Spears. Its a way for young women (and hopefully young men) to stand up to the idea that "girl power" consists of dressing and acting provocatively, marketing yourself and your body, and relying on things other than real girl power to make it in this world.

Since I am unsure of whether or not RGP is going to make it, I'm not currently taking submissions. I am, however, courting the idea of giving control of it to someone else. If you're interested in taking the helm, mail me your proposal, and maybe I'll get back to you.

If you'd like to see the website, and get an idea of what real girl power is, click here.