
The name Signe is a Scandinavian feminine name that means "victory." It has its roots in early Scandinavian mythology, with no less than four heroines in the great epics having that name. The most popular story involves the Signe (or Signy) married to Hagbard, in a great tale told throughout Scandinavia and also in Germany. In modern times, Signe is one of the most classic Fenno-Scandinavian female names, having been the most popular in Sweden at the turn of the 20th century and still common throughout Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. The name is pronounced differently throughout Northern Europe and abroad, with variants including (but not limited to) SEEN-yuh, SING-yuh, and SIGG-nee. The name remains most popular in Sweden, where its name day is August 23rd.

Famous Signes

Some notable women named Signe include:

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